
Four WWI photographs from 1919.

The newspaper clipping to the right was taken from the December 6, 1949 issue of The Hammond Times newspaper based out of Munster Indiana. The Mothers of World War II were raising funds for veterans with disabilities by selling poinsettias during the Christmas season. This newspaper clipping was courtesy of

This photograph, which dates to some time around the mid to late 1940s, depicts a stage used for an event to support an organization known as the Mothers of World War II, which was established to support war veterans. The organization would run charity events and sell items like poinsettias to support wounded and disabled veterans.

This is a panoramic photograph of Camp Stewart in Georgia. The photograph comes with its original tube which it was mailed in and features a shipping label along with text relating to supporting the war effort. One of the pieces of text reads, "Remember Pearl Harbor."

Because it couldn't be photographed in one piece, separate photos were taken of the photograph and were connected together to reconstruct what it actually looks like.

"Remember Pearl Harbor"