Books and Magazines
Title page.
This is a 1942 copy of Victory Through Air Power by Major Alexander P. de Seversky.
Seversky wrote the book to convince the public about his belief that "air power" was important in the military. At the time, the U.S. military thought battleships were more important and put aircraft as a lesser priority. Seversky, however, disagreed with the military's decision. The book became a best seller and in 1943, Disney released a film based on it. That same year, Warner Brothers released a Merry Melodies film called Falling Hare in which Bugs Bunny is reading a book titled Victory Through Hare Power, a parody of Victory Through Air Power.
The Walt Disney Family Museum. “‘Disney’s Greatest Film’: Walt and Victory through Air Power | the Walt Disney Family Museum.” The Walt Disney Family Museum, May 13, 2011.
Wikipedia. “Falling Hare.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, March 31, 2020. Text was used for basic information.
This is a book called March Anson and Scoot Bailey of the U.S. Navy from 1944 written by Gregory Duncan and illustrated by Henry E. Vallely. It was published by the Whitman Publishing Company in Racine, Wisconsin. This book was part of the Fighters for Freedom series.
Original owner's signature.